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The Deepthi Reader ( also known as the Zizek reader)

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The leaflet titled “The Deepthi Reader ( also known as the Zizek reader)” which is reproduced below is a piece consisting of part satire and part analysis written anonymously and circulated in 2003 in response to the “politics” of the X Group in Sri Lanka led by Deepthi Kumara Gunaratne the political strategy of which was to attack leading civil society individuals by publicly “exposing” what were claimed to be details of their private lives.

Those who produced this pamphlet also produced a Sinhala version of it (which we carry separately on this site) and claimed that they would be setting up a site called X Files in response to the “politics” of this X Group. For some reason the site X Files did not materialise.

The X Group disbanded itself on the day of the 2004 Tsunami and it is said that out of 145 members who constituted the group about 140 left its leader Deepthi Kumara Gunaratne in critique of his politics.

However, today Deepthi Kumara Gunaratne continues his politics of exposing the private lives of civil society individuals and in this endeavour he is supported by civil society groups such as Rights Now which claims to be a human rights initiative which publishes Samabima a Sinhala monthly magazine and employs Deepthi Kumara Gunaratne as a key resource person in its various activities.

Ten (10) years after the initial publication of these original documents that are reproduced here by the ‘X Files,’ we borrow the name ‘X Files’ to launch this site which will serve basically as a repository of critiques of the X Group and its successor Sri Lanka Vanguard Party whose leader is Deepthi Kumara Gunaratne , and various splinter groups of the former X Group which continue to follow the same political strategy of Deepthi Kumara Gunaratne






One thought on “The Deepthi Reader ( also known as the Zizek reader)

  1. Who is this guy Deepthi? Sounds like a crazy fellow with no idea of politics.

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